
Rabu, 14 September 2011

gunung Berapi

How and Where Volcanoes Form
volcano hot spot is Volcanic activity takes place primarily at subduction boundaries,

1. Water in the subducted rock is released into the asthenosphere.
2. The water lowers the melting temperatures of materials in the asthenosphere, leading to magma formation.
3. The magma is less dense than its surroundings, so it rises.
4. Some of the magma reaches Earth’s surface, and volcanoes form on the overriding continental plate.

Major Volcanoes Around the World

 Magma and Erupted Materials
    Gases escape easily from basaltic magma, generating relatively quiet eruptions. Hardened basaltic lava flows on land are characterized as pahoehoe or aa; if the lava cools underwater, it is characterized as pillow lava.
A.Parameters of volcanism:
2.Chemistry of Magma
3.Gases within the magma
4.Water content of magma
READ MORE - gunung Berapi

Senin, 12 September 2011

Pengertian Tata Surya

Tata Surya adalah kumpulan benda langit yang terdiri atas Matahari sebagai pusatnya dan semua objek (benda langit) yang mengelilinginya karena terikat oleh gaya gravitasinya. Tata Surya terbagi menjadi Matahari, empat planet bagian dalam, sabuk asteroid, empat planet bagian luar, dan di bagian terluar adalah Sabuk Kuiper dan piringan tersebar.
bagian- bagian bumi jika dilihat secara lebih dalam
Teori Pembentukan Tata surya


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